How Do I Select What I Want to Sell?

How Do I Select What I Want to Sell?

I have had a lot of experience of working in a high end retail store that had a lot of quality clothing. The prices were reasonable when a consumer takes into consideration the amount of time that goes into each piece a store owner is going to put in their store. I am going to explain how myself, as a store owner, picks the items I want my guests to view and purchase. Currently, I look at 3 vendors to find the items I place in my online store. I did have 4 but due to the amount of time it has taken me to receive the product I personally ordered I am dropping that vendor so you will see some changes in the boutique.

The first thing I look at is the pictures that are used to sell the product; are they of good quality, does the outfit look presentable, and is it something I would want my own child to wear? Next I look at availability, how many pieces are available in each size the vendor has for that item? If there is only 1 item for 1 size and only 1 size is listed then I skip the item. I don't want to take the chance of a guest on my site wanting to order the item and then find out that it is not available. Currently my lowest in-stock item has about 8 pieces per size available. I also look at what is on the product. For example, yesterday, I was looking through inventory and I found a shirt and short set that was really cute BUT the shirt had words spelled incorrectly. The shirt was supposed to say super fast (x2) but instead is said uper fast and super fast..... I am not interested in trying to sell this to my boutique guests. Finally I look at price, how much is it going to be for you, my store guest, to purchase when I set my prices. If it is too high or if I would not purchase for the price it needs to be set at then I skip the item.

This week I am trying to feature the boys clothes collection. I have been able to find more pieces to add to this collection. Each item or set meets the criteria that I am looking for. I know that my boutique guests will feel the same way. Pictured in this blog is this two piece USA set. You can find it here in the Boys Collection or here in the Featured Collection- Americana and it is priced at $25.

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